Contact us

Let us know what your concerns are via email, a phone call, or through the "Contact us" form.

Prompt response

Our team will attend to your concern and advise whether an evaluation is warranted.


Our team will schedule an evaluation based on the presenting complaint, and will assess each case carefully to determine the appropriate intervention plan for each individual.


Intervention catered to the individual’s needs is delivered by the therapists on the team. Our team evaluates intervention plans on an ongoing basis to make necessary changes depending on the individual’s progress.

Beyond Speech is a comprehensive therapy center that offers a broad spectrum of communication related services to meet the needs of individuals (children and adults) and their families. The team is comprised of enthusiastic knowledgeable therapists whose ultimate goal is to help the individuals develop the necessary skills to reach their full potential, in order to become effective communicators. As a result, our therapy programs provide the highest level of individualized speech, language and social communication services from assessment to intervention. All Beyond Speech therapists are dedicated to providing research driven, evidence based practices for children and adults who struggle with a variety of communication related challenges. Continuing education, even for the most experienced clinician, is highly regarded in our team. Our therapists receive continuing education on timely topics and current therapy techniques and approaches. In our friendly environment, we offer comprehensive assessments to determine whether or not speech-language and communication skills are impaired, and whether a professional intervention is needed.


  • Empowering individuals and their families through:
    • Raising awareness
    • Setting appropriate therapy goals that can yield the maximum outcomes
    • Fostering excellence in the intervention process
  • Ensuring a multidisciplinary intervention approach
  • Aiming to contribute in advancing the knowledge of human communication and its disorders with our involvement in research projects


Beyond Speech aims at enhancing the quality of the individual´s life by improving their ability to communicate with their family and peers.


  • My daughter was witnessing extreme difficulty clustering and retrieving information as well as reading and formulating coherent sentences. Unfortunately, we did not realize the severity of the problems until the age of 10. Beyond Speech therapy center has been working with our daughter for the past 6 months and the progress we have witnessed is remarkable. Not only can she express herself and communicate with her peers, teachers and family members with much better clarity, but her self-esteem has been improved and she feels much better about herself. The therapists at the center have a very friendly approach with the children that enables trust and good foundations for the therapeutic relationship to exist. A grateful father
  • When you discover that your child has been officially diagnosed with a particular disorder, the sign of relief that you can actually put a label to what has been troubling you for so long is suddenly replaced with this sheer panic of who will help you help him. My son was diagnosed with SLI (Specific Language Impairment). In summary, this meant that the way he processes information and expresses language happens differently. He’s a fascinating kid with a fabulous mind. But to help him cope with the confines of regular schooling and society, we needed to get him help. We went through a couple of speech therapists, the last one telling my son to not be stupid when he answered something incorrectly. Needless to say, she was quickly discarded. It was at this time that I was fortunate to be informed about Marianna and her speech therapy centre. And my God, did my life change. Finally, someone (well, a team of someone’s) who actually got my son, who lifted his psychology, who made sense of him and who helped him make sense of everything else around him. I will forever be grateful for Marianna and her team having entered our lives. They will never truly know how valuable they have become to us, easing my fears and embracing my son, quirks and all!
  • Στα δυο του χρόνια το παιδάκι μας είχε διαγνωστεί με το σύνδρομο Ασπεργκερ, χαμηλού ή ψηλού βαθμού για μας τη δεδομένη στιγμή δεν είχε σημασία, ήταν ένας ωκεανός στον οποίο μας έριξαν χωρίς σωσίβιο. Στην αναζήτηση θεραπευτών γνωρίσαμε την κυρία Χριστοδούλου-Ντεβλετιάν η οποία ήταν για μας σωτήρας και στήριγμα σε πολλαπλά επίπεδα. Στα τέσσερα χρόνια που κράτησαν οι θεραπείες μας με τον απόλυτο επαγγελματισμό της και ταυτόχρονα με την ανθρωπιά της στήριξε τόσο το παιδί μας όσο και εμάς τους γονείς σε όλες τις δύσκολες φάσεις οδηγώντας μας στο καλύτερο αποτέλεσμα. Αυτή τη στιγμή το παιδί μας φοιτά στο Δημοτικό Σχολείο χωρίς καμία απολύτως στήριξη αν και τη δικαιούται, και μάλιστα με ψηλές επιδόσεις. Για μας η κυρία Χριστοδούλου-Ντεβλετιάν και η ομάδα της είναι ένα κομμάτι της ευρύτερης μας οικογένεις. Σας ευχαριστούμε από καρδιάς.
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